Ballina Lajmet Rajon dhe Botë Video – Turma duke u lutur, ushtarët duke qëlluar

Video – Turma duke u lutur, ushtarët duke qëlluar

JERUSALEM - JULY 16: Israeli policemen intervene Palestinians who protest in front Al-Aqsa compound in Jerusalem’ after metal detectors were placed at the entrances of Al-Aqsa by Israel, July 16, 2017. Palestinian worshippers congregated for prayers outside one of the main entrances to the Al-Aqsa mosque, refusing to enter because of new metal detectors installed at entrances as the holy site re-opened for the first time on Sunday since a two-day closure following a deadly shootout ( Mostafa Alkharouf - Anadolu Agency )

Forcat okupuese izraelite qelluan me plumba gome palestinezet te cilet ishin mbledhur per te falur namazin e Xhumase ne Qytetin e Vjeter te Jerusalemit.

Besimtaret mysliman e kane te ndaluar qasjen ne Xhamine e Shenjte Al Aksa, per te dyten jave me radhe.

Duke mos pranuar ndalesat, palestinezet mbajten namazin e Xhumase ne rruget rretheqark Qytetit te Vjeter. Besimtaret ishin te vendosur per te mbyllur te gjitha xhamite e tjera, duke kerkuar te falen aty ku e kane te ndaluar, – ne Xhamine al Aksa. /MESAZHI/

Israel shoots at Palestinian worshippers ahead of Friday prayers

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